Thursday, October 25, 2012


Is it just me or does it sometimes seem futile to vote? If you listen to the news – liberal or conservative – the pundits will tell you that Georgia is a solidly Republican state and Florida and Ohio are up for grabs, one of several “battleground states”. Even the candidates come to our state and fundraise, telling us they will use our money to mobilize voters in the “important” states.

It seems to me that these types of predictions and comments cause a lot of folks to think their vote doesn’t matter. No wonder we have such a problem with voter apathy in this country. Unless you happen to live in one of about 5 states, you are told repeatedly that one candidate or the other is for sure going to win. So why bother? I have to admit, it can be discouraging.

To all you folks out there who think your vote doesn’t count or that one vote doesn’t really make any difference, I hope you will get MAD at the way the pundits and candidates are trying to control the election and your right to representation in this country. Every vote makes a difference by telling the candidate that you support them or not. I voted yesterday and there were several unopposed candidates I did not vote for. Sure, they will win anyway, but the number of votes they receive will give them an indication of how much support they have. The same is going to be true in every race on the ballot; the numbers are important and that means every vote is important. I promise you the pundits will be looking at those numbers closely over the next few months and years.

There are also several issue related votes on the ballot. We citizens are being allowed to tell our local and state government how we feel about charter schools, SPLOST and alcohol sales on Sunday. Each vote is important and we should never assume our vote doesn’t count in these elections. Your vote is a direct order to the government to act in a certain way. To all you folks who haven’t registered to vote – your apathy will have a bigger impact on the future of our country than you may realize. By not voting, by not participating in the process, you are allowing the pundits and a limited few citizens to choose your representatives and to decide issues that affect you every day. SPLOST is a perfect example – just because you don’t vote doesn’t mean you won’t pay the extra penny tax (or not) every time you buy something or pay a bill.

We live in the greatest country in the world and one of our greatest freedoms is the ability to be heard through the ballot box. Democracy works when the people participate in the process. We cannot abdicate our responsibility and then complain about the results.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Kisses for Kisses

Mrs. Roy came home from work the other day to find Grandson #1 waiting for me.  He had made this jar of kisses for Mrs. Roy at preschool.  Obviously, this is the most beautiful jar Mrs. Roy has ever received!  And then Mrs. Roy and Grandson #1 got to have some fun - sharing the kisses at the cost of a kiss for a kiss.  Life is good!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Grandson's First Birthday

Top Ten Things About Grandson's First Birthday:

1.  Being together with my family - four generations at a time.

2.  Watching a 1-year old eat birthday cake with green icing.

3.  Singing happy birthday.

4.  Spinach dip.

5.  Eating cake and ice cream.

6.  Buying presents for babies is so much fun.

7.  Friends who buy Bibles as gifts.

8.  Continuing family traditions of birthday celebrations.

9.  Sharing the pictures with friends and family far away.

10.  Counting my blessings; our life overflows with blessings of good health and happy lives.  Thank you, Lord.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


I read an article recently in Mother Earth News entitled, “Beautiful and Abundant” by Bryan Welch.  He said, “No species has ever consciously recognized the limits of its habitat and adjusted its behavior to live within those limits.  If we are to change our course before some natural calamity forcibly curbs our expansion, that change of course will be plotted in the human imagination.”

                While Mr. Welch was speaking to global environmental issues, it occurred to me that the same could be said for our individual “habitats”, i.e. our homes, our families and social network, our jobs, our physical well-being.  We are the masters of our destinies much of the time but our societal influences can be hard to overcome. 

                We all have a personal economic “habitat.”  Most of us are limited by our income.  The size of our family will change our economic habitat.  Our skills and ability work and generate income influence our economic habitat.

                Many of us live beyond our means or make plans that may be unrealistic.  A good example of that is buying as much car as possible within a “monthly payment” limit.  Or maybe you use your credit card for entertainment purchases.  Both of those things are extremely acceptable in our society but that doesn’t make them good choices.  Just as ostentatious consumption of fossil fuels and a dependence on global markets for cheap goods is harder and harder for our world to support, so it is difficult to sustain our personal lifestyles when we are overextended and living paycheck-to-paycheck.

                Just as air pollution and water pollution and global warming and deforestation impact our global environment, our economic habitat can’t continue to support us if it becomes polluted.  How is your economic habitat looking?  Has it been polluted by overspending and debt?  Or have you been conserving the resources of your economic habitat so that others aren’t burdened by your choices?

                Do you have a savings account?  When the housing market busted a few years ago, it was discovered that Americans had a negative spending rate, meaning most of us spent more than we made and that we weren’t saving anything!  That is a recipe for disaster.  If you have read this blog for any time, you know that Mrs. Roy is a huge saver.  It began simply - $10 taken out of my paycheck and put in a credit union account before I got my paycheck.  (Mrs. Roy loves payroll deductions!)  Over the years, that nest egg has grown and Mrs. Roy has seen the benefit of having something set aside for a rainy day.  Like Dave Ramsey says, it IS going to rain; you might as well be ready.

                When we take care of our global habitat, we know we are helping ourselves and others live better lives and we are providing a better place for future generations.  I believe our personal economic habitats are similarly impacted by our actions.  When we are frugal, conscientious consumers and money managers, we have the ability to help others – perhaps by supporting a local merchant or by being charitable to those in need.  We have the ability to help our family and friends if needed.  And we create a good example for our children and grandchildren, a model of success for them to follow. 

            Just as our global environment is impacted in places I'll never visit because of my lifestyle choices here in the US, all aspects of our personal habitat are effected by our decision.  Here's an example of how everything overlaps. 
           We each have a habitat that is comprised of our home and work environment.  I’ve been a rabid recycler for many years and I know that makes a lot of folks roll their eyes and call me a nut.  But I have grandchildren now and our county commission recently stated that solid waste is one the biggest problems our county faces – both from a revenue perspective as the cost of using the local landfill keeps going up as population and volume of garbage increase and from a political perspective because citizens expect the government to take their garbage.  It has become a serious issue that is not going away any time soon.  It is increasingly obvious to me that my grandchildren are going to be stuck with the results of whatever decisions our present community leaders make but they are also impacted by my personal decisions.  So I recycle – and I recycle some more.  I’ve even started looking at less packaging and buying local and upcycling.            

                These choices impact my home and work habitat but they also impact my economic habitat.  The same principle applies to both situations.  If I’m more conscious about how I spend my money and what I spend it on, then I’m setting a good example for my grandchildren and I’m putting myself in a position to help them if the need arises.  Conversely, if I live in a constant state of near disaster, they are likely to learn bad habits and continue the cycle of poverty.  Do I want to leave them a pile of debt when I die or do I want to leave them an inheritance to help them move forward?  It is important that I “recycle” and “reuse” and “repair” my assets so that I’m not negatively impacting those around me with my poor financial habits.

                We all have a physical habitat, too.  It is not fun to “consciously recognize the limits” of my 50-something body but they still exist.  We can pollute the earth and pretend it is someone else’s problem, but when I pollute my body, I can’t really pretend I’m hurting anyone but myself.  Recognizing my limits means watching my fat intake to keep my cholesterol under control and not trying to keep up with my grandkids when we play.  It means taking the stairs instead of the elevator and walking around the block now and then.

                Changing my eating and exercise habits isn’t easy and it isn’t fun.  I love cheeseburgers and fries.  I love a soft drink as much as the next guy.  I’d much rather sit and sew or sit and watch television or read a book than be outside in the heat perspiring.  We even had a family joke when my kids were growing up that they had never seen me run and I told them I didn’t perspire!  I think they nearly believed me!  Mrs. Roy has had to get proactive here and live VERY intentionally.  We are eating better – lots of vegetables and very little meat, watching fat content, and yes, even exercising!  Our bodies are very forgiving but if we abuse them consistently, we could lose the mobility and function God created us with.  Remember, we only get ONE body, just like we only have ONE planet.  We have to take care of it!

                Back to that Mother Earth News article, Mr. Welch makes an important point when he says we need to “change our course before some natural calamity forcibly curbs our expansion, . . . “  Do you really want to keep mismanaging your financial habitat until you are forced to change by bankruptcy or a job loss or a foreclosure or an arrest for bad checks?  Do you really want to keep throwing things in the trash can until they start piling it up in your yard?  Do you really want to keep eating Oreo’s until you have a heart attack? 

We each have a choice each day on how to live our lives.  We wake up each morning and have a whole day of opportunities to live better, to make choices that will benefit us and those around us and future generations.  Whether we are concerned about global energy, overpopulation, saving the whales, or space junk, we must stop and make conscious choices, not just keep going with the flow.

That is much more true on a personal habitat level.  We must, we must, make conscious decisions about our personal lives in order to succeed.  To just float along with whatever comes next is a certain recipe for disaster.  To live intentionally is to honor the gift of life that God has given us.  To live intentionally is to recognize our own limits as well as our dreams.  To live intentionally is to give our children and grandchildren the gift of a life well-lived while being well-loved. 

The choices we make today have consequences, no matter what society tells us.  Break out – live a life of conscious choice.  You’ll be glad you did.

Monday, June 25, 2012


It was one of those art imitating life days around our house Sunday.  Mrs. Roy was sewing together some cloth books for baby gifts when Mrs. Roy realized the name of the book, "Rainy Day Games", fit in perfectly with the day we were having outside.  Tropical Storm Debby is churning away in the Gulf of Mexico and pumping several inches of rain into our area.  Mrs. Roy is grateful for the rain....and grateful for the afternoon to spend crafting gifts for friends.

The cloth books are a long-standing tradition that started back when Mrs. Roy's children were children.  The grandchildren now expect them at birthdays and Christmas and they are an expected gift at church baby showers.  The books above will go to two co-workers and a friend's first grandchild. 

Mrs. Roy was searching through the book stash Sunday afternoon and was reminded that no more cloth book purchases need to be made for a while.  Mrs. Roy has a wonderful supply of books ready to be sewn up and given in blessing to babies, probably for the next couple of years.  Do all crafters have stashes?  All my crafter friends do! 

Do you have a talent you share as gifts for your friends?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Mrs. Roy's brother, sister, sister-in-law and various nephews and niece spent a delightful day at Norris Lake in Tennessee recently.  Speeding through the water was fun, the food was great and the sun was warm on our wet skin.  The mountains and shoreline were beautiful and the water was clean and deep.  And Mrs. Roy just had to remind those of the younger generation that we owe it all to Grandpa Doc and a couple of other guys.

See, back nearly 100 years ago, there wasn't any such thing as Norris Lake.  Then a group of engineers and government types got together and decided to build a series of dams that would cause lakes to fill mountain valleys, covering thousands of acres of farmland in Tennessee and Alabama.  Their dream was called the Tennessee Valley Authority and they were going to bring progress and electricity to rural Appalachia.  The work was done by young men through the WPA, part of the New Deal.

One of the folks who went to work for the WPA during this period of time was our Grandpa Doc.  He was just a young fellow and left a wife back home on the farm with his parents while he went out to work and send home his paycheck.  Grandpa and the others worked and built Norris Dam which still holds back the waters we enjoy today.  It also creates a lot of electricity for the region. 

It was an amazing feeling to splash around in that water and know that our ancestor had a direct part in making it possible.  I'm sure we enjoy lots of things that our forefathers struggled to build but this was such a direct link to something folks now take for granted.  Mrs. Roy hopes the nephews and niece will remember. 

And Mrs. Roy is certain that Grandpa was smiling down from heaven as we skimmed across that beautiful lake.  Being on the water in a boat was one of his favorite things.  The love of being on the water and indeed the water itself are both wonderful gifts he gave us.  Thanks, Grandpa.  What a great day.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


This sign is a perfect example of Mrs. Roy's definition of stuff.  We - meaning Mrs. Roy and probably my daughter - came across this sign at a yard sale or a junk store or somewhere similar.  We brought it home and it hung by the front door for about 3 years.  And Mrs. Roy never even liked it that much!  Mrs. Roy is glad it's gone.

Mrs. Roy spent last weekend unpacking the remnants of someone's stuff.  A life of living reduced to a few boxes of semi-broken kitchen utensils, mismatched pots and pans and tons of pictures of grandkids that had been crammed together in several desk drawers among stray socks, spent batteries and owners manuals for blood pressure cuffs and lawnmowers. 

All in all, it was a stark reminder that we all have too much stuff.  Mrs. Roy's been thinking about that a lot since last week and it is time for Mrs. Roy to start getting rid of stuff.  The first chore - the bulletin board above the sewing desk.  Next, Mrs. Roy's jewelry box.  Then the box under the nightstand and then Mrs. Roy's closet and dresser.  After that, Mrs. Roy is going to take a close look at the cabinet in the hall bathroom and then the drawers and cabinets in the dining room.  Stuff defintely lurks in those spots!  Then the top shelf in the entry closet and the cabinets in the garage.  Then it might be time to tackle the attic - that might be even more of a chore than Mrs. Roy can handle!

Mrs. Roy is shedding stuff.  Join me?

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Mrs. Roy's grandson got his first taste of coloring Easter eggs yesterday - and he loved it!  Easter egg coloring is a long-standing tradition in Mrs. Roy's family.  The first year Mr. and Mrs. Roy were married, Mrs. Roy's mother showed up on Saturday with her arms full of eggs, baskets, chocolate bunnies and the dreaded Easter grass.  Mr. Roy quickly understood that holidays, especially Easter, are very important in Mrs. Roy's family. 

This year we had got some egg dye that came with cute little cups for each color.  We got two sets so everyone could participate.  We went through the eggs pretty quickly - so much so that Grandson #1 wanted us to "make more."  Alas, he had to be content with what he had but it is all good because we quickly moved on to filling the bunnies.

Mrs. Roy has a collection of ceramic bunny candy dishes so the grandkids got to help fill them with mints, chocolates and jelly beans.  You would seriously think we were preparing for a world-wide sugar shortage! 

The grandkids are the major benefactors of our love of Easter.  Mrs. Roy has prepared each of them a bag of stuff including the requisite chocolate bunny; Mrs. Roy's mother has also prepared each of them a basket and they will be getting an Easter basket from the Easter Bunny at their home tomorrow morning.  We are talking serious candy overload.  And in case you are wondering, the adults also get a chocolate bunny and some goodies.  There would be a mutany otherwise!

But Easter isn't all about the fluffy bunnies and cute baby chicks of the secular Easter.  Easter at Mrs. Roy's house is also about Jesus - about His death, burial and resurrection and the eternal life we are living because He died on the cross for our sins.  We attended a beautiful Good Friday service last night at church; we had communion last Sunday; tomorrow morning we will be on the church lawn at 7:10 a.m., watching the sun rise over the pine trees and celebrating Mary and the other women going to the tomb and finding that Jesus was alive!  Then we will have a wonderful Easter service at church with everyone dressed in their pretty clothes and faces washed, giving Jesus their best.

Then we are having lasagna for Easter lunch, with Mrs. Roy's mother's special cream cheese pies for dessert.  We might hunt a few Easter eggs out in the yard, then we will settle down and watch the end of the Masters on television.

Life is good.  Thank you, Lord.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Going home when the grandkids start being bad.

Sloppy, wet kisses.

“I love you, Grandma” in a little bitty voice.

Holding little hands.

Watching them learn.

Watching them embarrass their parents.

Having Thomas the Train plates.

Coloring with crayons without feeling silly.

Seeing the world through their eyes.

Having an excuse to play instead of doing laundry.

OK, eleven things - listening to them pray. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012


What is your motivation?

On this blog, Mrs. Roy writes about the way I do things.  Mrs. Roy writes about saving money and being ecologically friendly and about serving the Lord, not necessarily in that order.  Mrs. Roy reads lots of blogs and newsletters and books and articles about folks who are interested in these things, too.  What sets these folks apart is their motivation.  Mrs. Roy will give you an example:  Mrs. Roy used to be part of an office paper recycling program.  Mrs. Roy talked her office into participating in this program because Mrs. Roy believes in recycling to help us preserve our planet.  There was a fellow who worked for the recycling program who Mrs. Roy always thought had a totally different motivcation.  He was an ultra-hippy type fellow who always smelled like BO because he apparently thought it was eco-friendly not to bathe very often or to wear deodorant and he always had on the same clothes.  Mrs. Roy is sure he was very sincere but he and Mrs. Roy were worlds apart on how to get things done. 

Mrs. Roy believes my first priority must be serving the Lord.  Mrs. Roy takes that seriously and it is the primary motivator for Mrs. Roy’s life.  For instance, Mrs. Roy believes God expects me to be a good steward of the blessings God gives me.  That includes not wasting money or resources and supporting our church and charities.  Mrs. Roy believes God expects me to take care of this planet He created, too.  That’s why Mrs. Roy recycles and tries to buy earth-friendly products and watches water and electricity use around the house.  Mrs. Roy believes that God expects me to do my job as though I was working for Him.  That’s why Mr. and Mrs. Roy have always tried to instill good work ethics in our children and why we practice them ourselves.  Mrs. Roy believes God gives us family so we can take care of each other.  And so family is very important to Mrs. Roy, from helping care for elderly parents to helping raise wonderful grandchildren.

Mrs. Roy became conscious of budgeting and money management years ago, at a time when Mrs. Roy would lay awake at night worrying about how to pay the next credit card bill.  It honestly never occurred to Mrs. Roy that an American family could survive in today’s world without credit.  Mrs. Roy didn’t think it was possible.  So when Mrs. Roy read Dave Ramsey’s book, Financial Peace, it was a major eye-opener.  Mrs. Roy was motivated by the idea of becoming debt free – was that even possible???  That motivation led to following Dave’s babysteps and being incredibly intentional about paying off debt while keeping my family afloat.  You know what – Dave is right.  You can live successfully in America without credit – and you should!  As Mrs. Roy progressed with living debt free and frugal, I realized that this lifestyle honors God and the motivation shifted from pure economics to good stewardship of God’s resources.

Mrs. Roy has become increasingly motivated to preserving our earth and our fragile ecological systems ever since I learned about the terrible legacy Mrs. Roy’s generation is leaving for our children and grandchildren.  Already we see the results of landfills filled with toxic waste and plastic bags that won’t biodegrade for thousands of years.  We have lakes and rivers too polluted to swim in or to eat fish out of.  We have icecaps melting and crazy weather patterns.  We have rising gas prices and electricity bills.  How can Mrs. Roy make a difference?  Mrs. Roy uses the “eat an elephant” approach to this problem.  We recycle.  We burn wood harvested from our yard to heat our house in the winter.  We open windows instead of running the AC.  We buy a lot of used products instead of buying new to reduce manufacturing and packaging.  We try to consolidate errands or not drive at all – folks think Mrs. Roy is very strange for walking to the grocery store!  Mrs. Roy doesn’t like using paper plates and I bring home the plastic utensils from carry out meals, wash them and reuse them.  Mrs. Roy prefers cloth napkins and dish towels to paper towels and paper napkins.  This lifestyle is also motivated by Mrs. Roy’s faith as God specifically tells us in Genesis that He created man to be a steward of all His creation.  It is our duty not to be wasteful or disrespectful or selfish with earth’s resources.

In all these instances, Mrs. Roy’s commitment to God and family motivate how Mrs. Roy lives.  If you want to be successful in the way your live your life, you need to figure out your motivation.  Do you want to retire early?  Do you want to get out of debt?  Do you need a new car?  Does your family want to live on one income?  Do you want to be a self-sufficient homesteader?  Do you want to work for yourself instead of going to an office job every day?  Do you want to save the whales or be a dog rescuer?  Do you want to homeschool your children or send them to college debt free? 

Once you know your motivation, you can start developing a plan that helps you work toward your goal.  Living a life of purpose will put a spring in your step and help you stay focused as you move forward.  It’s easier to pack your lunch every morning if you know you are putting an extra $20 each week toward your goal.  It is worth the extra time it takes to shop for a used item instead of new when you know why that’s important to you.  If you want to go back to school, that desire might motivate you to give up some of your evenings in front of the television to take classes online.

So, what is your motivator? 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A Perfect Evening's Musings

Mrs. Roy spent this evening on the back porch reading.  Yes, dear friends, it is January 24 and Mrs. Roy sat on the back porch all evening.  In fact, the bedroom window is open as Mrs. Roy types this post.  There is definitely something good about living in south Georgia!

As Mrs. Roy said, I have been enjoying coffee along with a good book this evening - decaf, of course, since Mr and Mrs. Roy aren't as young as they used to be and caffeine is no longer our friend.  sigh  Oh well.  There is still something so relaxing and fulfilling about a cup of coffee and the peace and quiet and a good story.  Mrs. Roy enjoys that much more than the surround sound big screen experience Mr. Roy loves so much. 

Mrs. Roy also mused about the fact that Mrs. Roy is reading a .99 cent book from the book warehouse and Mrs. Roy's mom is reading a 9.99 digital book on her Kindle.  Mom loves her Kindle but Mrs. Roy doesn't really feel a need to join in on that just yet.

Mrs. Roy did get a little tickled this evening as Mrs. Roy's mother got dressed to go out for the evening while Mrs. Roy put on her pj's and grabbed the coffee and book aforementioned.  Mom is busy all the time, running here and there and doing this and that.  Mrs. Roy just wants to come home from work and rest.  It didn't used to be that way; seems there was always something to do a few years ago.  But it is nice to come home and relax and slow down; Mrs. Roy enjoys not having something to do every minute.  Just watching Mom go is entertainment enough.  ha

All these musings have led to thoughts of contentment and yes, Mrs. Roy is content.  It is a blessing to be able to find contentment in our home and simple pleasures.  Thank you, Lord.  Life is good.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Just A Little Bit At A Time

Occasionally, Mrs. Roy can be a real pig.  Like during the holidays with all those goodies sitting around and the perfect excuse to cook casseroles smothered in cheese and dinner rolls as a snack.  Unfortunately, Mrs. Roy is now carrying around the remnants of that excess on various and sundry body parts better not mentioned.  And thus begins what has become Mrs. Roy's January tradition - watching what Mrs. Roy eats.

Mrs. Roy has discovered that a little bit at a time is a good rule of thumb for eating.  Small meals or snacks several times a day of the right kinds of foods really can make a big difference.  And changing just a few little things along the way makes a difference, too.  Mrs. Roy has given up her morning poptart in favor of whole wheat cinnamon toast.  Sodas are replaced with water.  The bread had to go.  Baked potatoes only get butter instead of butter, sour cream, cheese and bacon bits.  Less meat helps, too.  Mrs. Roy might get real ambitious and add a little exercise but there's no need to go crazy just yet!

Mrs. Roy knows that just a little bit at a time works in other parts of life, too.  If Mrs. Roy cleans just a little bit of the house each day, it never gets out of hand.  Putting $1 a day in a savings jar results in a healthy stash by vacation time.  A few minutes blogging or journaling every day keep writing from becoming a task.  One load of laundry every now and then is much better than an all-day marathon of washing, drying, folding and putting away.  And Mrs. Roy is toying with the idea of putting one item every day in a give-away box; that would mean 365 pieces of stuff out of the house by the end of the year!  Mrs. Roy might even find at least one piece of garbage to throw away each day for 365 days.  Wouldn't that be fun!  Actually, Mrs. Roy has blogged about this before - with the 100 day challenge.  You can check out the previous entries by clicking the label below.

Mrs. Roy even has some sewing and quilting projects that need to be handled a little bit at a time.  Mrs. Roy got to do some hand quilting today and got batting cut out for a couple of other projects.  Fifi over at her blog is working her way through some great projects just a little bit at a time.

So how do you eat an elephant?  One bite at a time, of course.  And that Mrs. Roy's way of doing things, too.

Life is good.

Friday, January 6, 2012

My verse for 2012

Every year for the past dozen or so, Mrs. Roy has chosen a Bible verse to live by for the year.  It's not very scientific; Mrs. Roy prays about it and looks around for verses that speak to where I am at that point in my life and then Mrs. Roy tries to apply that verse for a whole year.  Some years Mrs. Roy gets bored with it and has to go back and look up the verse in July just to remember what it is.  Some year the verse takes hold and really changes Mrs. Roy in some way.  It was like that last year, as Mrs. Roy tried to be more open to whatever God brought my way. 

Anyway, this year's verse is about being a Godly example to the young women in Mrs. Roy's life.  It is amazing, not to mention intimidating, that God has very intentional instructions for Mrs. Roy at this point in my life!  Mrs. Roy is constantly amazed at how God is into the details of our lives!

The verses Mrs. Roy has chosen are Titus 2:3-5:

 3 Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. 4 Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, 5 to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

Mrs. Roy can tell it's going to be a great year!

Sunday, January 1, 2012


See, Mrs. Roy had a need for some shelves in a corner of the walk-in attic. And there were two large stacks of old college textbooks and skateboard magazines (which have been abandoned by Mrs. Roy's favorite son) sitting in the way. So a quick check in Mr. Roy's shop revealed some sufficiently wide shelving boards and Mrs. Roy soon had a very servicable shelving unit AND got rid of the useless book and magazine stacks. Now those books and magazines are supporting Mrs. Roy's shelves and everyone is happier for it.

A couple of soda flats sitting around work very nicely as pull out drawers, making Mrs. Roy's t-shirts and shorts much more accessible.

Mrs. Roy's daughter gave me a wonderful set of lined baskets for Christmas and three of them are now part of the shelving unit, holding small items and miscellaneous.  Aren't they beautiful?

Yes, those are old VCR tapes now creating a support pillar for the shelving unit.  If you want to use this idea somewhere other than attic space (like somewhere where people would actually see it), you could wrap the VCR tapes (and books) in pretty wrapping paper to coordinate with your decorating theme. 

If any of you have bought a college textbook lately, you know this may actually be the most expensive shelving unit in the universe!  But since they were just collecting dust in the corner, Mrs. Roy is very happy to put them to use holding up shelves.  Mrs. Roy did try to sell some of these textbooks online but after a couple of years, the schools update their book lists and these editions were not longer usable.  And why didn't Mrs. Roy's son sell these back at the time?  Don't know, maybe he did.  End result is Mrs. Roy has very "smart" shelves in the attic.

Life is definitely good.